Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Spanish Nation Finally Getting Some Love?

I'm cruising the WizKids forum tonight, and I found this little response from Woelf, a WizKids Rules Arbiter:

That response could either mean an indirect confirmation, or he/she could just be jacking with us. I want to be positive and think that Woelf is trying to "tell" us that the Spanish Nation in the Pirates Pocketmodel game is finally going to get some better ships.

For too long now, the Spanish have been getting the shaft when it comes to ship stats and distribution, and WizKids takes joy in reinforcing that fact by printing it on the Spanish card's flavor text! Yeah, yeah, historically we all know that Spain was on the decline, but geez, it's a game. Who really wants to play a faction that has maybe only two or three good ships from a game that's covered ten expansions?!? With WizKids leaning towards a more "fantasy" theme to its game, let's hope that Spain will finally be able to sit at the "grown-up table"...

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