Friday, January 4, 2008

Pre-Boarding To Begin On Monday!

The Pirates of the Burning Sea MMORPG is ready to sail later this January, but you can access the game through a pre-order as early as this coming Monday, January 7th! I participated during the open beta period this past month, and I had a blast playing! The sailing portion of the game is very similar (and fun!) to Sid Meir's Pirates! computer game, and the off-ship portion of the game is pretty much your typical MMORPG affair.

After trying out the beta, I went to my local Best Buy and got a pre-order copy for ten bucks. The pre-order package includes a code you can enter to access the Pre-Boarding Party as early as January 7th, which basically gives you early access to the game before the official launch later this month. The package also includes a soundtrack CD of the in-game music, which is pretty cool. I'll post a review of the CD sometime later.

If you're into computer games and playing the role of a sea captain during the swashbucking days of the bucaneer, check out the game!

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